22 July, 2011

Cold Steel Recon 1 Et. All

This blog tends to be mostly about guns and accessories, but the fact remains that gun people tend to be knife people, so this won't be too far out for a tangent.

I am a die-hard fan of Cold Steel knives, and just about anything else they produce, such as OC spray, throwing stars, walking sticks, spears, even the bokken they make out of polypropylene.  You see, I used to have to satisfy my cutlery needs with whatever was available at the local big box store because it was all I could realistically afford.  Once I got into Cold Steel knives, it opened up a whole new world of affordable, high-quality knives that have remained by my side constantly for several years.  

My constant companion is the Recon 1 with a tanto point and half-serrated blade.  Sadly, I lost my first one after about 7 or 8 years, but promptly replaced it with the updated model they currently sell.  I would challenge anyone to find a better folding knife for that price.  Really, if you think you have one, post on the comments here and I'll gladly check it out.  The Recon 1 in any form has the most solid locking mechanism of any folder I've ever owned or fondled;  as soon as it locks into place you would swear you were holding a fixed-blade knife.  Another feature I treasure on the Recon 1, which it shares with many other Cold Steel knives, is the placement of the pocket clip.  It affixes to the very rear of the handle, hanging the knife hinge-down in your pocket.  If you think about it, this allows the user to deploy the knife more rapidly, without having to transition grips after taking it out of the pocket.  Most folders hang in the pocket hinge-up, which requires the knife to be flipped in the hand before it can be deployed.  I should also mention that the steel on the Recon 1 holds an edge through an incredible amount of use and even abuse.

In the field I always carry my Kukri or Kukri machete.  It's amazing how well the machete version hacks and cuts, even though it is considerably less costly than the full-blown Kukri.  I do admit a certain fondness for the regular Kukri.  It swings like a machete and cuts like a hatchet.  

Another great blade to carry in the great outdoors in the Finn Bear.  If you look around, one can be had for about $15 and they are rock solid.  It is nothing but a steel blade and a polypropylene handle, so there's really nothing to go wrong.  My father and I put them through their paces 
harvesting Boletus mushrooms in the Colorado Rockies, digging through dirt and stones to extract them.  The Finn Bear is great to have around for rough, dirty tasks that you know are abuse of a knife.  They are tough, cheap, and clean up easily.  I keep one in my glove box in case I get surprised with an unexpected fishing trip.  They are great for cutting the heads off of fish or scraping scales, but are not thin enough to cut fillets.

I could go on and on about all the Cold Steel products I've bought and tried.  I have never once been disappointed by a Cold Steel product.  I've never received anything from them that had any defect whatsoever, or had to be returned for any reason.  Some of their blades can be pricey, and I've never tried a lot of their really top-end stuff.  One day when I can afford it I will buy a Hatamoto.  Sadly, I just saw that they have been discontinued, so maybe somebody can make me a nice deal on a used one.

Now, to very briefly rant:
I really want one of your AK-47 knives.  They look a lot like an improved Recon 1.  I especially like the bone-breaker strike point on the hilt.  The only reason I do not already own this knife is because you do not offer it with a half-serrated blade.  I am just an old farm boy and I can't carry a folding knife unless it has serrations.  So please, either add a bone-breaker to the hilt of your Recon 1, or offer an AK-47 with a half-serrated blade.  Either way, it would be a great excuse for me to buy some more of your awesome knives.

If you want discount prices, Cold Steel sells certain products on their Special Projects page.  Same quality, straight from the manufacturer, just less money.

25 June, 2011

Monster Hunters International - In Stores Now

You might think this is a bit of a deviation from my normal themes, but please bear with me.

The author, Larry Correia, is a gun guy, and that comes out in his novels.  The first novel of his that I read was actually on a thread over at TheHighRoad.Org.  The thread is called "Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler" if you want to search for that over on THR.  This later turned into a novel (Dead Six, in the link at left).  He is one helluva good writer and you can tell he knows guns when you read his stuff.  He also does Three Gun competition.  Very cool guy, as well as super-nice the few times I've corresponded with him.  I consider him salt-of-the-earth.

Link to his blog:

Now for the unabashed attempt to make a couple of pennies from Amazon.com.  If you're going to buy one of his novels, and I highly recommend them, I hope you click on the links below or the links in this post.

Thanks, and happy reading!

Edit:  I just thought I should mention, for those of you who don't think werewolf books are cool.  The Monster Hunter series does involve monsters like vampires and such.  They shoot them, it's pretty cool.  If that doesn't strike your fancy, you will still like Dead Six.  In a nutshell, it's about some covert-ops type guys who hunt terrorists for a living.  You will not be able to put it down, I guarantee.

22 June, 2011

Bed Side Holsters?

Has anyone actually used one of these?  I typically just shove a holstered pistol between the mattresses, pointed in a safe direction, and take it with me in the morning.   A family member of mine has decided they need something a little more dignified than that method and I've just never used any of this equipment.

Please, if you've used one of these Holster Mate deals, add a comment there at the bottom and let me know how you like it.  Thanks!

It looks like the way to go is to buy the bracket here and then just hang the holster of your choice on there and you're in business.  It does appear that you either need a holster that clips over the top of the bracket, or you need some sort of belt or strap to wrap around the bracket if your holster has no clip.

This version comes complete with affixed Yaqui-style holster.  The possible downsides:  You can't take the holster with you, it stays on the bracket.  Sometimes if I hear a bump in the night, I'll take pistol and holster.  

Additionally, if the holster wears out at some point, you're looking at a lot of DIY work to attach another one, or simply purchasing another bracket.  I think I'd go with the plain bracket and just put whatever holster I want on there.  KISS, right?

I would, however, carefully consider the placement of this bracket.  I know some fool somewhere has hung one facing the inside of the bedroom where it invites someone to shoot you while you're sleeping.  Please, if you use one of these, place it carefully, preferably between the bed and the wall.

(A couple of inexpensive holsters below)

15 June, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

I just wanted to take a moment to let my readers know why I dropped off the face of the planet for a while.

We recently moved to the country and have been busy with that.  Also, I have been involved in several time-consuming side projects.

I have not forgotten about the blog, I've just taken a short-term break.  Expect more posts around mid- to late-August 2011.

Thanks for your patience, and please visit our new affiliate, LuckyGunner.com.  They are a great source to keep your favorite weapons fed at reasonable prices.

12 March, 2011

Product Review: DeSantis Sof-Tuk

Photo reproduced with
permission from DeSantis.

At the time of this writing, DeSantis still does not have a Sof-Tuk holster specifically designed for the M&P pistol, full-size or compact.  I had been perusing all the popular gun magazines and internet forums when I decided that, for the price, this holster was exactly what I was looking for to hold my M&P40 compact.  With a retail price of $25.99 and made from no-slip suede with a reinforced saddle leather mouth, you're unlikely to beat this value in an IWB (In-the-Waist-Band) holster anywhere.   So I made an educated guess and bet my money on a holster that fits a similarly sized Smith & Wesson.  The fit is perfect, though it was initially quite tight, as many leather holsters are.

One of the main features I was looking for is tuckability, and this holster has that.  Like many of you, my shirts and T-shirts don't all have very long tails, just enough to hang a bit past my waist.  Oftentimes when I'm out and about, I might bend down to pick something up off of a lower shelf, or to pick up my small daughter.  I can say from experience that it's a bad feeling when you break concealment by merely bending over.  I thought a tuckable holster would help this situation and I must report that over the last 4 months or so that I've been using the  DeSantis Sof-Tuk daily, it has really helped me stay concealed, as well as comfortable.  It's also helped my overall appearance, since I can now tuck in my shirts again, which has been a source of joy for my loving wife.  While she's not what you would call a fashionista, there are times when a guy should tuck in his shirt.  Now I'm ready and armed at even the most formal of occasions.

For those of you not familiar with a tuckable IWB holster, it's a simple arrangement.  While there are several answers to the same problem, the Sof-Tuk answers it like this:  you slide the clip directly over the waistband of your pants.  This leaves the holster and pistol inside the pants and a small metal J-clip outside the pants.  Make sure your belt goes over the bottom of the J-clip so it will stop at your belt when you draw your weapon.  I always wear a belt, but I have a good feeling that the non-slip suede material of this particular holster would remain inside your waistband either way.  This holster clips very securely to the waistband of my pants and I have had no slippage issues whatsoever.

Perhaps the most innovative feature of the Sof-Tuk is its adjustable cant capability.  It has two torx screws where the J-clip attaches to the holster.  Loosening these screws allows you to adjust the cant for virtually any possible scenario.  At first I implemented appendix carry, with the holster placed right around 1:30.  The holster can quickly be adjusted to accommodate this position.  More recently I have moved to carrying right at 4:30, so more of a small of the back position.  One quick adjustment of the screws and you have a perfect cant for this position as well.  The Sof-Tuk is touted to accommodate a cross-draw cant as well, though I have not tried it myself.  The cant adjustment screws can be adjusted either with the appropriate size torx head, or with the appropriate size allen key.  An allen key was included with the unit.  When I first began wearing the Sof-Tuk, I knew I wouldn't get the perfect cant by merely experimenting with the holster in my living room.  Real world bending and moving tend to show you how well an IWB holster is placed.  Fortunately, the included allen key fits easily in the coin pocket of a regular pair of jeans.  A quick stop in the restroom is all that's needed to adjust the cant of this holster in the field.  The screws, and therefore the cant of the holster, have not slipped or moved at any time.  They are rock-solid.

The reinforced mouth is yet another value-added feature of the Sof-Tuk.  Having used much cheaper holsters in the past, I have grown to appreciate more and more the ability to re-holster one-handed.  I can't foresee any situation in the future where I would buy a holster that did not have this handy feature.  The only thing the Sof-Tuk might be lacking is a protected sight channel.  Many people look for this in a holster and I can see why it might make sense, even if it doesn't seem like a necessity for me.  This holster is for my EDC (Every Day Carry) weapon, which will not really clear the holster very often.  Additionally, I keep rugged combat sights on my carry weapons and they have never been affected adversely by riding on my hip in a holster that did not have a sight channel.  Competition guns, sights and holsters are a completely different thing. While I absolutely see the need for a protected sight channel on a competition holster where your weapon will clear the holster thousands of times, a sight channel on your IWB holster is unnecessary.  Don't get hung up on it.

In closing, the Sof-Tuk includes all the features I look for in an IWB holster and spares all the useless, fancy stuff.  It is ruggedly-constructed and dependable.  It does what it needs to and never tries to be something it's not.  My recommendation:  if you need a good IWB holster, this one is really hard to beat.  Buy it.


Here are some pics to show the actual fit on my MP40c.

As you can see, there is a very slight gap between the top of the holster and the trigger guard.  The trigger is not accessible.  I have not had to modify the holster in any way.  I should also note that the same holster fits my MP9 full-size just fine, too.  The muzzle does stick out a bit, and the front sight remains just barely covered. 

You can follow the continuing conversation about this holster over at The High Road.



MP9 full-size

MP9 full-size

28 February, 2011

M&P Full Size 9mm

     It has been too long since my last post.  I do apologize, but a lot of things have happened since my last entry here as I'm sure most of my fellow married-with-children types would well understand.  Without further fanfare, I give you the down-low on my latest pistol purchase.

Well, it was only a matter of time before I took the plunge and started my own little M&P family.  Face it, one M&P is just a lonely situation, like a puppy in a shelter looking for a good home.

I love the M&P mostly for its reliability.  I can't think of any other gun (especially a semi-auto) that you can take out of the box, lube up and run like a scalded dog.  The M&P does just that.  Right out of the box you can take it down, lube up all the friction points and go have a trouble-free day at the range, no matter how many or what type of rounds you run through it.  I always take all 3 palmswell grips with me so I can make adjustments if a friend wants to use the gun.  There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you check out their hand, make an educated guess, swap grips on the pistol and it suddenly fits them like a glove.  This is almost always what you call a "head-shaker" for people.  One minute the pistol doesn't fit them and then next minute it's perfect.  Once you know what you're doing you can swap grips in about 1 1/2 minutes.  See the manual if you have any questions, and check out my post on the subject if you would like some pictures.  As always, never change grips on a loaded weapon.

Now I'm generally opposed to anything smaller than a .40 S&W for a defensive handgun, so you may ask why in the world I picked a 9mm for home defense.  The reasons are several.  My number one reason for selecting the 9mm is controlability.  There are those in my family who would consider themselves "recoil sensitive".  For these family members, the 9mm chambering on a full-size pistol is about the ideal compromise between recoil and power.  Recoil is low enough that even the most sensitive shooter should be able to withstand an extended quarterly practise session, so the assumption is that the sensitive shooter will be more proficient and accurate with a 9mm than they would with a .45 ACP, for example.  Additionally, the M&P9 holds 17 + 1, so if your attacker doesn't go down right away you have plenty of followup shots.  If anyone knows of any instance of a human being surviving 18 shots from a 9mm I would like to hear it.

Some of these "recoil sensitive" family members are also in the "technically disinterested" category and don't care to learn how to operate a different safety lever for each weapon in the arsenal.  Imagine a person who doesn't give two hoots about a gun.  Do they really want to learn where to find the safety lever on your Ruger Mark II, for example?  Then explain that the lever on your 1911 is shaped completely different and placed in a slightly different spot.  I can find the safety lever on any weapon I have ever owned, in the dark by touch alone, but I love guns and love to practise with them.  Some people don't love guns, they see them as simple tools to address a certain type of problem.  Perhaps my love of guns is strange, like a love of screwdrivers or wrenches.  It's worth considering.

As for the tech specs, this M&P 9mm cost me just $524 after tax with its included 2 magazines, 3 palmswell grips, and hard case.  The nice folks over at Mid America Arms even threw in a free hat.  I don't know if it was because they see my face all the time or if it was because they could tell my wife was slightly ambivalent about spending money on yet another firearm.  For the record, they gave her the ball cap, not me.  I decided to keep it loaded with 135 grain Federal Premium Hydra-Shok jacketed hollow points.  At just over $20 per box of 20, these are not plinking rounds.  

At the range, I ran 50 rounds of white boxed Winchester FMJs through it and then a full magazine of the Hydra-Shok.  Everybody did their part and there wasn't the slightest hiccup so I'm ready to count on this gun if the need should arise.  Of course, I'll put it through a lot of paces ASAP, but knowing what I know about the M&P, I'm not loosing any sleep over its reliability.

My M&P9 is soon to be fitted with a small lazer/light combo unit, the make of which is yet undecided.  I'm hoping to keep the cost under $300, which seems realistic.  The full-size M&P offers plenty of Picatinny real estate from which to hang a light, and this is yet another plus in its favor for use as a home defense weapon.

-Gun Guy